Category Archives: Herb Garden Articles

Herbs and a Healthy Home

You may want to grow herbs for a lot of reasons. And indeed, I can tell you that home herb garden is wonderful addition to your home and your backyard. With its wide array of uses and applications, you know you’re in for a potful of benefits. Also, the very idea of keeping and nurturing […]

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Using Herbs from a Home Herb Garden


Using herbs you have sown and planted requires a little bit of know how. In order to make the best use of the herbs, you will need to harvest them. Timing the harvest is the key factor. Harvesting does not mean to cut down the whole plants: you should leave 2/3 of the plant to […]

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Herb Garden Kits


Using a herb garden kit can be a short cut to getting your herb garden alive. Often the lack of knowledge holds us back. We might wonder about things like: do some herbs do better if they are grown from seeds, and which ones? Which kind of soil should we use? All herb garden kits […]

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Herb Garden Plants: Basic Knowledge


Herb garden plants come in so many different types and species: they can be annuals, perennials, or biennials just like other types of plants. This article will get you started in understanding general different types of herb plants and what they are used for. But if you are interested in a specific herb, you need […]

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Grow Herbs Indoors


If you do not have a garden, you can just as well grow herbs in your apartment. Herbs can also be grown indoors in pots or window boxes. You can also use containers or hanging baskets. Growing an indoor herb garden is not much different from growing herbs in your backyard. The same growing requirements […]

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Grow an Italian Herb Garden


Some of the most famous herbs come from Italy. These herbs are amongst the tastiest too and contribute to the renowned Italian cuisine. These herbs are mainly: basil, parsley, oregano, fennel, rosemary, garlic and sage. Basil is widely used in Italy for cooking and adds flavor to many receipts. But it is not it’s only […]

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