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Grow Rosemary Herb

RosemaryIf you love the taste and scent of Rosemary herb, then you are sure to enjoy growing this particular herb. Fortunately, you will find that this particular herb adapts easily to indoor growing conditions as well as outdoor ones. In fact, you may find that it is one of the easiest herbs to grow and maintain on a regular basis.

Choosing the Best Strain

Today, there are several different strains of the Rosemary herb. You can purchase seeds or plants that will grow over six inches tall, as well as ones that barely reach one inch in height. Typically, larger plants will produce more potent tasting herbs. On the other hand, if you are looking for a wider variety of flower colors, smaller varieties of Rosemary may be more amenable to your needs. As may be expected, you can always purchase more than one strain, and then use each one according to your purposes. No doubt you will love being able to watch riots of light blue, pink, and deep blue Rosemary in your outdoor garden.

Soil and Water Considerations

Unlike many other herbs, Rosemary does well in sandy soil. In fact, if you buy a mix used for cactus, you will only need to add a bit of pearlite to create the perfect mix. As with any other drought resistant plant, you may need some practice in order to ensure that you do not over water this plant. It is also very important to make sure that the soil has good drainage. If you are going to use clay pots, you should check the moisture level of the soil on a regular basis in order to make sure that water is not being wicked through the sides.

Preventing Predator Spoilage

There is no question that Rosemary will attract all kinds of animals. Therefore, if you are planning on having this particular herb growing in an outdoor setting, it may help to mix it in with other plants that repel animals. For example, you may want to surround Rosemary with tomato plants. It may also be of some help to use chemical animal repellents if you notice that your plants are being chewed up or trampled. Depending on the size of the plants and their location, you may also want to put a small fence around them. Unfortunately, this will not be of much help when it comes to controlling insects. If you have to manage this type of issue, mixing Rosemary with chrysanthemums may be of some help.

Even though Rosemary can be fun to grow and work with, you will still need to make sure that each plant has an optimal growing environment. In many cases, you will find that the growing conditions for Rosemary are bit different from other herbs. (Click here to know my secrets in growing rosemary herbs). That said, if you can manage to create small pockets of suitable soil, you will be well on your way to enjoying this beautiful and tasty herb for years to come. As may be expected, if you also need to find a way to control predators, you can do some research on methods that will be effective.